
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Weitzel. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Weitzel, Adam 23 June 1804 11 October 1846 Emes, Catharine
Weitzel, Adam 19 February 1847    
Weitzel, Christian 25 February 1777 15 April 1840 Daubert, Catherine
Weitzel, Frederick about 1735 1820 Unknown, Anna Maria (wife of Frederick Weitzel)
Weitzel, Johann Werner about 1711 after 1782
Weitzel, Martha 18 October 1894 13 July 1986  
Weitzel, Riley A. 5 October 1864 20 April 1937 Ritchie, Mary Ellen Hatt
Weitzel, Ursula 22 January 1897 18 January 1954 Pawling, George B.
Weitzel, William E. 27 November 1843 28 April 1925 Hoefer, Esther Ann