
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Herr. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Herr, Abraham 1660 1727 Bär, Anna, Musselman, Feronica
Herr, Barbara 1702 8 August 1742 Martin, David
Herr, Christian about 1662 about 1749  
Herr, Emanuel 1689 about 1745  
Herr, Hans 17 September 1639 11 October 1725 Kendig, Elizabeth
Herr, Hans Christian 3 May 1608 3 May 1659 Haas, Catherina
Herr, Isaac about 1691 1747  
Herr, John 1560 1640
Herr, John about 1672 12 September 1756  
Herr, John Robert 12 July 1921 2 April 2016 Martin, Lois Elizabeth
Herr, Maria Margaretha 1663 1 December 1725 Weber, Johann Anton,
Herr, Paul Hess 28 July 1919 2 January 2002 Martin, Eunice Mae