Mike's Mathom Collection


33 MHz 386 AT clone (CUI) with Cyrix 387 math coprocessor
64 Kbyte CPU cache
16 MB RAM (detects 15.75 Meg) - 4 Megx80ns, 4 Megx70ns, 8 Megx80ns
135 MB Fujitsu M2613T IDE disk drive
3.5 and 5.25 TEAC floppy drives
Kouwell KW556A IDE-bus multi-I/O card
Diamond Speedstar-24 video card (Tseng ET-4000 chipset, 24-bit DAC, 1 MB RAM)
Logitech MouseMan DB9 serial mouse (com1, Address 3x8, IRQ 4)
Hayes-compatible 2400 baud modem (com2, Address 2x8, IRQ 3)
Colorado Memory Systems Jumbo 250 tape drive w/ TC-15 compression board (Address 180, IRQ 5)

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Last update: 2016-01-06