
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Groff. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Groff, Barbara about 1719 after 1794 Eby, Peter
Groff, Barbara 17 May 1741 17 May 1816 Martin, Martin M.
Groff, Edna Rohrer 12 June 1930   Martin, Roy M.
Groff, Elva Mae 2 March 1912 20 April 1987 Lehman, Lester Mark
Groff, Fronica August 1741 2 September 1805 Hunshberger, Abraham
Groff, Hans Conrad 1661 7 May 1746 Kendig, Susanna Orendorf
Groff, Jonas N. 10 January 1859 10 February 1943 Snavely, Anna Mary
Groff, Laura Jo 6 June 1982   Ressler, Matthew Chad
Groff, Marcus August 1712 5 December 1784 Huber, Anna Elizabeth
Groff, Marie 1743 1769 Wenger, Michael Grabiel
Groff, Mary Ann 6 May 1895 29 August 1940 Sensenig, Levi M.
Groff, Mary Margaret about 1729 after 1772 Horst, Joseph
Groff, Peter 1704 1761 Unknown, Barbara (Wife of Peter Groff)
Groff, Samuel 1708 1768 Huber, Christina