
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Faust. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Faust, Hans 1611 1680 Fischer, Elizabeth
Faust, Johan Peter December 1689 November 1745 Adam, Magdalena
Faust, Johannes about 1643 4 September 1694 Mohn, Kunigunda
Faust, Johannes F. 18 July 1785 28 December 1843 Schlegel, Catharina
Faust, Johannes Philip February 1713 19 April 1786 Albrecht, Magdalena
Faust, Ludwig 12 January 1760 27 April 1806 Kiefer, Hannah
Faust, Sarah 21 April 1821 24 May 1902 Spatz, John Jr.