
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Landis. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Landis, Abram Earl 25 February 1898 8 September 1970 Wanner, Mabel
Landis, Alice Joy 22 February 1974   Ressler, Wesley Karl
Landis, Benjamin B. 1 September 1922 29 October 2015 Ressler, Rhoda Elaine
Landis, Hans 8 October 1555 30 September 1614 Hochstrasser, Margareth, Hochstrasser, Barbara
Landis, Johannes Hans 1521 1590 Schinz, Katharina
Landis, Margareth 1 December 1594 1673 Bauman, Rudolph
Landis, Mervin 11 July 1924 30 January 1962 Montgomery, Jeanette
Landis, Mervin W. 10 March 1920 24 September 2004 Ressler, Anna Miriam
Landis, Paul K.     Sensenig, Arlene H.
Landis, Ruth Naomi 14 March 1928 3 January 2014 Spahr, J. Robert
Landis, Vesta 1 July 1919 6 June 2003 Ebersole, Ammon