
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Moore. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Moore, Albert Milton 21 December 1879 21 December 1974  
Moore, Annie Beulah 10 September 1883 29 September 1959  
Moore, Clara Mae 27 April 1882 1 April 1962 Shelton, William Culver
Moore, James Milton 20 May 1827 19 February 1903 Piburn, Elizabeth
Moore, Louella 10 March 1897 29 June 1986  
Moore, Mayme 15 February 1886 4 March 1986  
Moore, Richard Henry 18 August 1853 1 March 1925 Weber, Elizabeth
Moore, Weber 17 April 1891 15 April 1961