
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Sauder. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Sauder, Caspar about 1720 after 1792 Freeling, Eva
Sauder, Edwin H.     Wise, Dorothy
Sauder, Elizabeth “Fronica” 31 January 1764 15 October 1822 Martin, Abraham M.
Sauder, Katrina Jane 13 June 1973   Harnish, Jacob Allen
Sauder, Kristal Jean 5 November 1977   Christino, Patrick
Sauder, Laura     Good, David
Sauder, Louis Wise 13 June 1948   Ressler, Velma Jane
Sauder, M. Arlene 15 November 1927 11 March 1997 Martin, John Paul
Sauder, Matthew Lee 21 September 1975   Oliver, Heather Elaine