
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Matz. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Matz, Hans Jorg 28 May 1696  
Matz, Hans Michael 3 January 1670 25 December 1729 Kuttler, Elizabeth
Matz, Johannes Georg between 1728 and 1732 12 May 1759 Stauch, Agnes Catharine
Matz, John George 10 August 1782 5 January 1816 Grill, Elizabeth
Matz, Kate 15 November 1819 29 July 1902 Hatt, John
Matz, Lorentz 1630 6 July 1690 Unknown, Agatha (wife of Lorentz Matz)
Matz, Lorentz Daniel 27 December 1752 24 December 1815 Reischert, Barbara